Course curriculum

    1. Video on What is PostgreSQL and Top cloud PostgreSQL service providers

    2. ( Presentation ) What is PostgreSQL and Top cloud PostgreSQL service providers

    3. Assignment on What is PostgreSQL and Top cloud PostgreSQL service providers ?

    1. Different Options to Deploy PostgreSQL

    2. How to get started by launching a first VM in AWS cloud- PG16 ?

    3. Step by step Installation of PostgreSQL-16 on ubuntu (latest)

    4. How to Tune PostgreSQL on VM with pgtune / Cybertec PostgreSQL Configurator

    5. PostgreSQL Architecture

    6. Remote Connection in PostgreSQL - Connect with Pgadmin

    7. Remote Connection in PostgreSQL-16 - Connect with another host like Ec2 through psql-16 cmd tool

    8. Important PostgreSQL Performance Parameters with Details

    9. ( Recording and Demo steps )How to setup a Virtual machine in AWS cloud for PostgreSQL - To be removed ( New one added for pg16)

    10. ( Assignment )How to setup a Virtual machine in AWS cloud for PostgreSQL

    11. How to deploy Postgresql managed instance as RDS@PostgreSQL-16 and connect via pgadmin

    12. PostgreSQL as Managed (RDS) or IAAS (EC2 or VM)

    13. Deploy RDS@PostgreSQL-16 & connect via psql from another host

    14. Assignment on creating and launching postgres on Ec2

    15. Different Configuration Files in PostgreSQL-16

    16. What is postgresql.conf file in PostgreSQL-16 cluster?

    17. What is pg_hba.conf file in postgresql-16 cluster ?

    18. What is role and users in postgreSQL cluster?

    19. What is cluster in Postgresql -16?

    20. What is Schema in PostgreSQL?

    21. WAL Files in PostgreSQL?

    22. How to cleanup wal files and replication slot in pg

    23. Password file in PostgreSQL

    24. What is Tablespaces in PostgreSQL ?

    25. What is Bloating in PostgreSQL

    26. Vacuuming Fundamentals

    27. Reindexing in postgresql

    28. What is cluster table in PostgreSQL ?

    29. pg_stat_statement in PostgreSQL ?

    30. pgbench benchmarking tool for PostgreSQL on VM and RDS

    31. How to recycle PostgreSQL service and when is it required ?

    32. pgBadger - a fast PostgreSQL log analysis report

    33. PGCollector - Complete Postgresql database analysis report

    34. pg_stat_activity to analyze and perform diagnostics on active SQL queries

    35. What is Pg_Repack in PostgreSQL ?

    36. Deploy PostgreSQLin docker

    37. Best Practices for Configuring PostgreSQL Logging

    38. Autovaccum in PostgreSQL ?

    39. How to Kill a Session in PostgreSQL?

    40. Understanding the Public Schema and Search Path in PostgreSQL

    41. What is MVCC in PostgreSQL?

    42. Pros and Cons of Using Full Vacuum vs pg_repack

    43. Understanding generate_series in PostgreSQL ?

    44. How to Find Out Bloating in PostgreSQL and Preventive Measures ?

    45. Understanding the pg_resetwal Command in PostgreSQL

    1. ( Recording and Demo steps )Install PostgreSQL-13 on EC2 Instance in AWS Cloud - Leagacy

    2. How to Install PostgreSQL-16 On ubuntu 22.04 manually

    3. Assignment on Launching PostgreSQL 16 on ubuntu22.04 and connecting via Pgadmin

    1. ( Recording and Demo steps ) Kernel parameters in PostgreSQL

    2. Assignment for Kernel parameter settings.

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 303 lessons
  • 55 hours of video content