Course curriculum

  1. 1
  2. 2
    • Introduction of Patroni

  3. 3
    • Components of Patroni

  4. 4
    • Basics of Replication in PostgreSQL 16

    • What is streaming replication in PostgreSQL?

    • Replication Modes in Patroni

  5. 5
    • ​ What is haproxy in context of patroni

    • How HAProxy is Used in Patroni and Its Benefits

    • What happens if haproxy is not deployed in a Patroni cluster for PostgreSQL?

    • How to Deploy and Configure HAProxy on Ubuntu 22.04

  6. 6
    • What is etcd ?

    • What Happens If etcd is not used in a Patroni Cluster for PostgreSQL ?

    • Alternatives of etcd in Patroni and Why They Are Used or Not Used ?

    • 3 node etcd cluster deployment on ubuntu 22.04

    • What Happens When One etcd Node Goes Down in a Three-Node etcd in a Patroni Cluster

    • Basic etcd commands

  7. 7
    • Setting up a Patroni cluster ( 5 Node : 3 Node Pg+Patroni+ 1Node etcd +1 Node haproxy)

  8. 8
    • What is Patroni config file and location details

    • Sample Patroni configuration file

    • Understanding Global/Universal Configuration Options in Patroni

    • Understanding Logging Configuration in Patroni

    • Understanding the Bootstrap Configuration in Patroni

    • Understanding the Parameters for Connecting to an etcd Cluster in Patroni

    • Configuration options for authentication, replication, rewind, callbacks, and other parameters

    • Patroni rest API

    • Significance of DCS in the context of Patroni

  9. 9
    • patronictl dsn command

    • patronictl edit-config command

    • patronictl version command

    • patronictl topology command

    • patronictl switchover command in patroni

    • patronictl show-config

    • patronictl list command

    • patronictl query command

    • patronictl history command

    • patronictl pause command

    • patronictl resume command

    • patronicl restart command

    • patronictl reload command

    • patronictl reinit command

    • patronictl flush command

    • patronictl remove command

    • Lecture- patronictl failover command

    • Demo- patronictl failover command

    • How to check Patroni logs

  10. 10
    • Setting up a HA with 3 node Pg-16(node1,node2,node3) +1 Node ectd (node4) + 1 Node haproxy(node5) on Patroni cluster

    • One of the standby goes down in patroni-Failure events

    • What happens when one of standby postgresql cluster is rebooted?

    • Standby database services are brought down due shutdown of patroni on one standby

    • Demo-Standby database services are brought down due to shutdown of patroni on one standby

    • Primary (PostgreSQL+Patroni) host failure scenarios- Terminating PostgreSQL primary cluster ?

    • Demo- Primary (PostgreSQL+Patroni) host failure scenarios- Terminating PostgreSQL primary cluster ?

    • Demo- Primary PostgreSQL+Patroni host failure scenarios-Stop the PostgreSQL &start immediately

    • Lecture -Reboot the Primary PostgreSQL cluster

    • Demo -Reboot the Primary PostgreSQL cluster

    • Lecture- Stop or Kill the Patroni on primary Postgresql Cluster

    • Demo- Stop or Kill the Patroni on primary PostgreSQL Cluster

    • Network Isolation Tests on Patroni cluster -The Network disconnect between master and rest of the standby servers

    • Network-isolation test of the standby server disconnetion from other servers in patroni cluster

  11. 11
    • How to connect to primary or stanby separately through haproxy

    • Demo- How to connect to primary or standby separately through haproxy

    • Demo- Haproxy behaviour in case of a failed primary/Leader postgresql cluster

    • Haproxy behaviour in case of a failed primary/Leader postgresql cluster

  12. 12
    • Replica Imaging and Bootstrap in Patroni

  13. 13
    • What is DCS Failsafe Mode

  14. 14
    • Q&A : Streaming replication

    • Q&A : Use Case and Special Criteria for Using Patroni

    • Q & A : Patroni vs. Repmgr

    • Q & A : When not to use Patroni for PostgreSQL

    • Q & A :Introduction to Patroni

    • Patroni's Components

    • Q & A :Patroni Replication Mode

    • Q & A : ​ What is haproxy in context of patroni

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Expert High Availability via Patroni on multinode postgreSQL cluster

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