Course curriculum

  1. 2
    • echo command in linux

    • cat command in Linux with examples

    • Find command in Linux

    • grep command in Linux

    • vi editor in linux

    • telnet command in linux

    • chmod and chown in linux

    • sed command in linux

    • sudo command in linux

    • Monitor Log Files in Real Time: tail unix command

    • Basic Linux Commands to Check Hardware and System Info

    • Getting started : Install First PostgreSQL-16 on Ec2 Instance

    • How to recycle PostgreSQL service and when is it required ?

    • Launch RDS for postgesql 15 and connect via ec2 and pgadmin to postgresql

    • Launch Aurora -PostgeSQL 16 and connect via Ec2 and pgadmin to Aurora -PostgreSQL

    • Service account of PostgreSQL on an EC2 Instance

    • PostgreSQL.conf file in PostgreSQL ?

    • What is pg_hba.conf file ?

    • What is cluster in postgresql ?

    • Roles in PostgreSQL ?

    • Schema in PostgreSQL

    • Tablespaces in PostgreSQL

    • WAL Files in PostgreSQL?

    • Vacuuming Fundamentals

    • cluster table in postgresql

    • Troubleshooting issues with Vacumming in postgresql

    • How To Install PostgreSQL 16 on Ubuntu

    • How to cleanup wal files and replication slot in pg

  2. 3
    • Bloating in postgresql

    • Reindexing in postgresql

    • Password file in PostgreSQL

  3. 4
    • Install postgres 14 on Ec2 Ubuntu and connect with pgadmin running on your laptop

    • How to setup and troubleshoot Remote connectivity issue of postgresql running on 2 Ec2 instances ?

    • How to Remotely connect with postgres managed instance RDS@postgresql

    • How to Remotely connect with postgres managed instance Aurora@postgresql with pgadmin running on local system?

    • Remote connectivity of postges running on docker with pgadmin running on local system

  4. 5
    • 3 Node Streaming Replication in PostgresQL-14

    • repmgr : Postgresql Replication Manager for PostgreSQL Cluster

    • How to promote a standby server with repmgr ?

    • Repmgr failover and change of roles in replication ( 1 Primary and 2 standby )

    • Switchover with repmgr

    • Logical Replication

    • pglogical extension setup for Logical replication

    • Migrating PostgreSQL from EC2 to RDS using pglogical replication

    • PostgreSQL Streaming Replication With Slots

    • Replicate tables in RDS ( 2 instances) for PostgreSQL using logical replication

  5. 6
    • Pgbackrest( Backup and restore)

    • Backup Postgres using pgBackRest running on dedicated host

    • Replication setup using using pgBackRest running on dedicated host & postgres on separate host

    • pgloader

    • Barman backup and restore via streaming protocol

    • Archiving in postgresql

    • Archiving WAL and Perform Point in Time Recovery in postgresql

    • Backup and Restore a PostgreSQL with pg_basebackup with Tablespaces

  6. 7
    • pg-upgrade to upgrade postgres12 to postgres15

    • pg-upgrade to upgrade postgres12 to postgres15( lower major verions to higher version ) with --link option

    • Upgrade PostgreSQL from EC2 to RDS using pglogical replication

    • Upgrade RDS@ PostgreSQL @Aurora PostgreSQL database using the pglogical ?

    • Upgrading Data via pg_dumpall upgrade postgres12 to postgres15 (vm)

    • Steps to upgrade using AWS DMS

    • Steps to upgrade using AWS DMS + ongoing changes

  7. 8
    • sysbench benchmarking tool

    • pgbench benchmarking tool for postgres on VM and RDS

  8. 9
    • Migration of PostgreSQL running on VM to RDS via pg_dump and pg_restore

    • Migrating PostgreSQL Databases to Amazon RDS using logical replication ( publisher and subscriber model.)

    • Migrating PostgreSQL Databases using pgcopydb

    • Migrating to RDS postgresql using copy command

    • Migrate PostgreSQL from Local to RDS postgres using pgadmin

    • Troubleshooting RDS/PostgreSQL on VM Connectivity issue

  9. 10
    • pgpool-11 Load balancer and connection pooling

    • pgbouncer Load balancing

  10. 11
    • Migrate PostgreSQL database using export and import to Azure postgresql

    • Migrate PostgreSQL database using pg_dump and pg_restore to Azure postgresql

  11. 12
    • Assignment on PostgreSQL-16 on Ubuntu22.04 Ec2

    • Assignment on pg_hba.conf file

    • Assignment on Aurora for PostgreSQL + Ec2

    • Assignment on Postgresql.conf

    • Assignment on PostgreSQL 16 and 13 on Ubuntu 22.04

    • Assignment on benchmarking Ec2 and RDS

    • delete wal files in postgresql

  12. 13
    • pg_stat_statement in postgresql

    • pg_stat_activity to analyze and perform diagnostics on active SQL queries

    • pgBadger - a fast PostgreSQL log analysis report

    • PGCollector - Complete Postgresql database analysis report

    • pgCluu :PostgreSQL performance monitoring and auditing tool.

    • Impact of missing index in postgreSQL

    • Getting started with explain analyze

    • pg_index_watch

    • What is auto_explain in postgresql

    • Hypothetical or virtual index in postgres

  13. 14
    • Parameter group in RDS PostgreSQL

  14. 15
    • Setup 2 Node streaming replication on pg15 Manually via replication slot

    • Setup 2 Node streaming replication on pg15 Manually via replication slot ( Bind with repmgr)

    • Setup 3 Node )2+1) streaming replication on pg15 Manually via replication slot ( Bind with repmgr)

    • Postgresql-15 Replication & Automatd Failover by Repmgr ( 4 Nodes with 3 data &1 Witness )

  15. 16
    • What is Barman (Backup and Recovery Manager)